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About Us

   We live under Ore mountains in czech spa town Teplice. 

Our cattery was established in 1997 and we’ve been breeding british blue, lila and tabby cats ever since. Tabby means different fur coloring for every cat.(e.g. marble, tiger-stripped and

spotted). Depending on the parents disposition, sometimes a longhair kitten is born. They are usually, apart from longer hair,  easy going and really relaxed in nature.

   Our breeding station Bugaboo * CZ has been registered with The Czech Union of Breeders, which is a member of FIFe (Federation International Feline) with the seat in Luxembourg. This means that all cats born in our cattery are sold with a pedigree. 

   We’re trying to breed kittens which are beautiful with typical british fur and friendly nature. Health of our cats is very important to us as well. And by that we mean all the little ones, full grownups and also elderly cats. All our cats are being regularly tested on FeLV, FIV, FIP, PKD and HCM with negative results and vaccinated as well.

   Breeding cats is a big hobby of ours, to which we devote most of our free time. We love cats and we’re trying to give them all possible care and love, which they deserve. And we’re looking for the same in new owners of our kittens. The breeding station has not only younglings and cats in productive age, but also more than one senior or castrate. We don’t get rid of them by moving them to a different home, but we keep them as righteous members of our household. 

   Future litters are carefully planed ahead, so that we could provide each kitty with enough attention, care and love. Breeding cats don’t have more than one litter a year. That’s why we have only two to three litters every year. 

   The kittens don’t leave for their new homes before 13 weeks of age. Debugging, vaccination and EU pet passport with a microchip goes with them without saying. 

   The family of our cat “royalty” wouldn’t be complete without two outdoor tomcats. Red tiger Mr.Zrzavý and black tiger Mr.Quido.  

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 Update  31.Decemberi 2025

 Update  21.Mai  2025

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